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New Talent Frontiers in Defense

LinkedIn Poll Results:

A significant shift is underway, with hiring managers in middle-market defense electronics broadening their search beyond traditional industry confines. This strategic pivot towards sectors like medical devices, semiconductors, and automotive is not just a trend but a successful practice, with these diverse candidates proving their mettle in A&D roles.

Beyond Traditional Talent Pools
The era of seeking talent exclusively from direct competitors is fading. This inclusive approach to recruitment is enriching the A&D sector with fresh perspectives and innovative solutions, demonstrating the value of diverse skill sets.
Remote Work’s Growing Influence
The slow but steady adoption of remote work in A&D, particularly in operations and sales, is reshaping recruitment strategies, offering flexibility and attracting a wider talent base.
A Strategic Response to Executive Concerns
With talent retention ranking high on A&D executives’ list of worries, looking outside the industry for talent is becoming a necessity. This strategy is not just innovative; it’s essential for addressing skill shortages and fostering a resilient workforce.
The Future of A&D Talent Acquisition
The success stories from this broader recruitment strategy highlight the untapped potential beyond traditional industry borders. At Elray, our commitment to diversity, innovation, and a personalized approach positions us as your ideal recruitment partner.
Explore How we can revolutionize your recruitment strategy to tap into a more diverse talent pool. 

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