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 Is Relocation Dead?

Think we’ll need to deal with relocation? A question that pops up like clockwork in our chats.

Thanks to COVID, the whole relocation scene got a good shake, like a snow globe unveiling new patterns.

So, here’s the scoop from a recent placement: Business development folks and finance wizards? They’re killing it in remote roles, except for the VP bigwigs (still at corp). Controllers are still staying on-site–with way more hybrid, while operation leaders are the most likely to pick up and move.

Now let’s talk about this cool thing called “Salary Arbitrage.” It’s like a secret weapon when you go beyond the usual borders to snag talent. Finding a savvy FPA whiz in St. Louis for under $150k? Way easier than the Bay Area hustle.

But, and there’s always a but, in this new landscape, you need some serious foresight. Sneaky tax implications have played a deal-breaker and those last-minute rejections from the Tax department? It’s not exactly rare.

Navigating this gig requires some fancy footwork in the fiscal landscape for smooth sailings.

So, as we ride the wave of this new talent era, let’s chat about the nitty-gritty of remote work dynamics. Join the convo on tweaking strategies for a workforce that’s not just resilient but also pretty darn adaptive.

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